Many of you will know that Lafarge Aggregates, and its predecessors Redland and Folleys, have extracted gravel along the Thames over many years. In 2010 Lafarge put forward plans to create some so called “permissive footpaths” along with other facilities such as a bird habitats, a hide and fishery lakes with parking.
We are proposing to meet at 2 pm this Sunday 5 October to walk some of the paths that have now been established.

The approach to this is off Henley Road at the traffic light junction with Caversham Park Road. Go down the private road towards the marina for about 300 yards, where you’ll see a small car park on the left through a gate. There is also space to park at the side of the road at this point if coming by car/bike. We shall meet there at 2 pm..
So far as distance is concerned, this will vary for individuals, as one could do up to 4 miles. on this you will have the choice. The ground is dry at the moment and flat, though uneven on some of the paths. Low growing brambles occur on some of the informal paths but there are wide grassy and flat.paths too.What will we see, apart from anglers? There’s not a lot of open water views because willow, alder and shrubbery grows extensively along the banks. You’ll see the same waterfowl as on the Thames and maybe woodpeckers, fox and evidence of rabbits. A few impressive trees remain from the former farming era. Most of the flora has gone over.
I’ve attached a map which you may find helpful. Decisions about who walks where can be made when we meet. If you have any questions please contact me Richard Denney via this GLOBE email or 07768 958407.. What ever the weather some of us will be there. It is an “own risk” activity so please wear your preferred footwear etc and keep yourself and companions safe whilst we are on the site. Best wishes, Richard Denney